
Newsletter Setup

We set up the newsletter basics for you via Mailerlite so you can collect email addresses and welcome your readers with an automation sequence.

Is this service right for you?

It's never too early to start collecting readers' email addresses. Whether you're only now starting your book, you're midway through edits, or getting ready for publication, these readers will be the foundation of your fanbase. So get to them faster!

No matter what else happens in the publishing industry, a newsletter will always remain important because it allows you to connect with your readers and find superfans.

With this package, we'll help you set up all the basics you'll need with MailerLite, a newsletter service.

Our expertise, cost, and turnaround time

all fiction and non-fiction genres

$225 USD


Package includes:

  • a welcome automation sequence of 3-5 emails that automatically go out to new readers to engage them
  • 2 templates for regular newsletters
  • an ARC reader template
  • a landing page for collecting subscribers
  • a landing page for collecting ARC readers
  • 1x30min Zoom chat for questions and sharing our tips & tricks
1 to 3 weeks

Quick Quote

We'll set up a MailerLite account with the basics for one pen name.
Services Needed *
Estimated Cost:
Estimated cost subject to change. You can request an official quote here.

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What authors say about us

“A brilliant editor”

“Alexa is an editorial genius. She helped me transform my novel into a story I can be proud of. The great thing about Alexa is she tells you when you’ve done something well and provides constructive feedback when necessary. That’s the sign of a brilliant editor. I will definitely be returning to Alexa for future books in the series, and I highly recommend her services for any author looking to improve their manuscript and their craft.”

S. W. Millar

Author of The Witch's Revenge urban fantasy series

Book Blurbs

This is the text that appears on your Amazon sales page or the back of your print book. We don't write those (usually). We improve on a draft that you  provide to us based on your book genre's reader expectations and our experience.

New Authors

If you're not sure where to start and are on a tight budget, fill out our form with your book details, and ask about our beginner's resources in the comments section.

Bulk Discount

If you need more than one of the marketing services we offer, email us with your picks and we'll work out a bulk discount.