Whether you're planning to be Amazon-exclusive via their KDP Select program, or planning to publish "wide" on all retailers, one fact remains true: Amazon owns a huge piece of the book market. And while explaining how Amazon's gears work behind the scenes could be the subject of a novel (check out David Gaughran's Amazon Decoded for more), we like to stick to the simple bits. Namely, category optimization.
With this package, we will ask you a series of questions about your book, and then we will research and provide you with the best categories suited for your book to increase its visibility on Amazon. We will focus on the USA and UK markets as they are the most popular at this time, and you will receive 6 categories per market, per book format (eBook or paperback), giving you some extra categories to swap out throughout the year.
$75 USD
Package includes:
A note on pricing: The pricing above is per book. If you have a series, let us know and we can work out a series discount.
“Alexa did an assessment of my novel that really helped me move forward. Her report was not only readable and excellently structured, but it also addressed the right issues and problems. In addition, she assisted me with several video chats to find solutions to more challenging and complex problems. Both of these video chats were very fruitful and helpful.”
Author of Torchlight, an epic fantasy novel
This is the text that appears on your Amazon sales page or the back of your print book. We don't write those (usually). We improve on a draft that you provide to us based on your book genre's reader expectations and our experience.
If you're not sure where to start and are on a tight budget, fill out our form with your book details, and ask about our beginner's resources in the comments section.
If you need more than one of the marketing services we offer, email us with your picks and we'll work out a bulk discount.
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