Whether you’ve just finished your first novel or your tenth (or fiftieth!), we're here to help.
We support authors in their self-publishing journey, from the first draft to the finished product, with coaching, editing, formatting, and marketing services.
We specialize in the following genres: fantasy, romance (all varieties, including paranormal), young adult (fantasy, romance, and dystopian), and thrillers.
Whatever your level of writing, we'll help you polish your novel to the best it can be. With Luna Imprints Author Services (LIAS), you can be sure to get professional services, one-on-one coaching, and a guiding hand along the journey that cares as much about your writing as you do.
Unsure which type(s) of editing you need?
Click below to see how a typical novel makes it to market.
“Her word is her bond, and her abilities are stellar”
“Alexa with Luna Imprints Author Services has been my only editor for eight books, ranging from historical fiction to paranormal mystery. She is incredibly thorough and professional. She does what she says she will do, in the time that she says she will do it. Her word is her bond, and her abilities are stellar. Highly recommended!”
Author of Ladies of Lytchley and Jenna Rayne series
“A rare gem in the editing world”
“Alexa is a rare gem in the editing world. Trusting her with my YA fantasy novel felt like a welcomed hug throughout the process, which then turned into an incredibly encouraging push toward the publishing journey. Nearly one hundred thousand words were combed through with Alexa’s obvious talent and care. From the first meeting, she understood the meaning behind this book, and with remarkable integrity, carried that in her work. I am beyond grateful, and cannot wait for her to care for my future projects like a mother for a child, a surgeon for a heart, or a talented editor for a literary dream.”
Author of Agnes and the Locket of Secrets, a YA fantasy novel
“A brilliant editor”
“Alexa is an editorial genius. She helped me transform my novel into a story I can be proud of. The great thing about Alexa is she tells you when you’ve done something well and provides constructive feedback when necessary. That’s the sign of a brilliant editor. I will definitely be returning to Alexa for future books in the series, and I highly recommend her services for any author looking to improve their manuscript and their craft.”
Author of The Witch's Revenge urban fantasy series